Whether it is a service or product your organization offers, the customer service manager plays a crucial role in the whole customer experience. Below are some of the most important roles of a customer service manager:

1. Clarify the core service values to be easily adopted by staff.

2. Communicate those values to all staff.

3. Live the values at top management level – In other words role modeling those values is crucial for ensuring that staff will embrace them as well.

4. Continuous training and development programs and plans should be in place to help enhance service level and equip staff with tools and techniques for serving customers better.

5. Implement total quality management or Six Sigma programmes which provide for the achievement of high levels of product and service quality.

6. Focus on internal as well as external customers.

7. Define the attitudes and behaviors expected of all those dealing with external and internal customers.

8. Select people with the right attitudes, train them in the customer service skills they need and empower them to provide them with greater ability to relate to customers.

9. Monitor performance by reference to core customer service values and expected attitudes and behaviour.

10. Recognize and reward high levels of customer service achieved by individuals and teams.


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