
9 Closing Techniques

9 Closing Techniques


Here are 9 Ways you can use to close the Sale 


1. Ask for the order

It has been estimated that 7 out of every 10 presentations end without the salesperson asking for the order. Of the 3 salespeople who do ask for the order, 2 give up after the second refusal.
Having presented to your customer in a professional way you have the right to ask for the order and the customer expects you to do so. This technique alone will improve your sales results and give you more confidence in the selling situation.
Remember that closing is about timing. The best closers recognise there is a time to ask for commitment and they have the confidence to do so. If you get rejected, so what? What have you actually lost? In fact you are better off because even if you get rejected at least you now know where you stand.


2. The Assumptive Close

By assuming that the order is being placed you can remove the responsibility for decision-making away from the buyer. This uses the buyer's natural inertia.
The assumptive close uses words like `will' and `when'
This will solve a lot of problems when it is installed.
When will be the best time to deliver?
Will 4 units be sufficient to meet your requirements?


3. The Alternative Close

This close gives the buyer the choice between 2 alternatives, both of which have been chosen by you
Do you require delivery Tuesday or will next week be more convenient?
Will you take the option of alloy wheels or do you prefer central locking?
Would you prefer the green or the red?


4. Closing on a small issue

Often the buyer finds it easier to make small decisions than large ones.
However, having made the smaller decision the larger one becomes easier to make. Choose a minor feature of your product and gain agreement from the buyer on that feature.
Delivery can be made on a weekly basis. Does that meet your requirements?
We can arrange for the colors to match your company logo. Would that be what you are looking for?
If storage is a problem we can arrange for a split delivery at no extra cost. How does that sound?


5. The Pressure Close

This enables you to put pressure on the buyer in terms of special offers or inducements that are available or penalties for not placing the order.
This price is only available up until the end of the month.
If you order the smaller quantity the higher price will apply.
We are giving a free mobile phone with orders of 500 units and above.
This offer ends tomorrow.


6. Converting on Objections

An objection can be a very strong buying signal. If the buyer raises an objection and it is the only objection that is preventing the order from being placed you can use this to gain commitment to buy.
You have said Mr Jones that you are interested in our products but the discount terms that we offer are unacceptable. Is this the only objection you have? If we were able to work out a compromise would you be willing to place the order today?


7. The Negotiated Close

Standard negotiating techniques are very useful at the closing stages of the sales process.
If I can reduce my price by 15 per unit will you agree to place the order today?
If I can agree your delivery terms can we agree today on a long-term commitment for you to use us as your main supplier?
I will ring my boss now. If he agrees to reduce the price by 10% do we have a deal?


8. The Trial Close

During your presentation the buyer may make a remark that suggests a decision to buy may have been made. In these situations

• Listen to what the buyer says
• Summaries what has been said
• Ask for the order/close the sale


9. The Balance Sheet Method

One closing technique that can be used is to list all the points in favour of your product and all the points against on a sheet of paper.
This can be repeated for the other products being considered by the buyer and can influence the decision of where the `balance of power' lies. If your product is the stronger of the alternatives available to the buyer this method can help the final decision be made in your favour.


For more selling skills, check out our Instant download Sales Excellence Series training material packages: Professional Selling Skills, Sales Management, Sales Territory Planning & Routing.

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