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Tips on how to deal with different learner generations Baby boomers, genX, GenY, GenZ

Tips on How to Deal With Different Learner Generations Baby Boomers, GenX, GenY, GenZ

Here are specific tips and techniques for trainers to effectively engage learners from each of the four generations: Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y (Millennials), and Generation Z. Read more about Tips on How to Deal With Different Learner Generations Baby Boomers, GenX, GenY, GenZ

Networking for your Success as a Trainer: How to Expand Your Network and Boost Your Training Business

Here are some best practices for a business trainer to expand their network and increase their chances of getting more work… Read more about Networking for your Success as a Trainer: How to Expand Your Network and Boost Your Training Business

5 Reasons To Deviate From Your Training Schedule

Time management is vital to the success of any training session. In today’s busy world, it’s sometimes even hard to find time to even schedule training into corporate life. Read more about 5 Reasons to Deviate from Your Training Schedule


Training Tough Participants

No matter how well you prepare for your workshop or training session, you should always expect the unexpected. Sometimes a session can have a great, fun and upbeat start then easily turn into a nightmare… Read more about Training tough participants

Dealing With Gen Y Learners

If you are a trainer then you probably had them in class before and definitely will in the future. Gen Y are the young workforce of today. Are you ready for them? Read more about Dealing with Gen Y learners

Dealing With Gen X Learners

They are often known as the MTV Generation, referring to the famous music channel that changed the music industry… Read more about Dealing with Gen X learners


Writing Proper Training Objectives

Objectives give the first glimpse of your program content. Clear, concise objectives give specific focus on the desired outcomes and determine what the training participants need to know and do in order to meet those objectives… Read more about Writing proper training objectives

Leveraging Social Media In Class To Support And Enhance Training

The trainer using and leveraging social media thoughtfully will find it a wonderful new means of engaging learners, extending the learning experience… Read more about Leveraging social media in class to support and enhance training


Using Twitter As A Training Support Tool To Enhance Training

Twitter is a fantastic tool to share quick ideas, links, and articles. It can easily give the user access to like-minded practitioners… Read more about Using twitter as a training support tool to enhance training

Using Facebook To Support Training Goals

Facebook can be an easy-to- use, intuitive tool for trainers. It’s a great way for trainers, training departments, or organizations to stay in frequent contact and build a sense of community…. Read more about Using Facebook to support training goals


Putting Training Into Action

Unlike toothpicks, cotton balls or cooking pans, training can’t be kept in storage for a long time. You either use it or lose it. Everyone knows that unless what was learned is translated into on-the-job behavior there will be no real benefit from training… Read more about Putting training into action

10 Steps To Create A Positive Learning Environment In Your Training Class

Creating a healthy learning climate in your training room is not something that can be done by following a simple list of do’s and don’ts… Read more about 10 steps to create a positive learning environment in your training class


Popular Trainer Vs Effective Trainer

As a trainer, for sure you want to be popular. You want participants to enjoy being in class, have fun and enjoy themselves as well as get real benefit from the training… Read more about Popular trainer – effective trainer – Popularity with the Participants

Full Day Vs. Half Day Training

When it comes to planning your training sessions, one of the most popular questions people ask is “how much time do I need to run this training session? Read more about Full Day vs. Half Day Training


Seven Learning Styles To Help You Understand Training Participants

As trainers, we can often get caught up in the hustle and bustle of making sure outcomes are being met and timelines are being followed. Read more about Seven Learning Styles to Help You Understand Training Participants

How To Meet Organizational Objectives With Your Training Sessions

Even though we provide you with everything you need to run a comprehensive training program to companies and organizations, you might encounter a group that wants particular outcomes designed and incorporated into the training. Read more about How to Meet Organizational Objectives With Your Training Sessions


How To Use A Flipchart For Training Purposes

When it’s time to deliver face-to-face training, many trainers rely on slide decks as their main mode of delivery for the content they are offering. Read more about How to Use a Flip chart for Training Purposes

How To Use A Trainer’s Guide

One of the great things about using our training programs is that they come complete with everything you need to hit the ground running as a successful trainer. Read more about How to Use a Trainer’s Guide

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34 Full Courses & 6 Mini Courses

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Great Value For Money

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Train The Trainer + Presenting With Impact

The Presenter-Trainer Package®

Train The Trainer

Presenting With Impact

Price: $359.95 $299.95

SAVE $59.95

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Retail Excellence Series

Retail Excellence Series®

3 Complete Courseware
Packages in 1

Frontline Retail Selling Skills

Retail Sales Planning & Forecasting

Passionate Retail Experts

Price: $539.855 $349.95

Pay for 2 Get 1 Free

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Sales excellence series

Sales excellence series®

3 Complete Courseware
Packages in 1

Sales Management

Professional Selling Skills

Sales Territory Planning & Routing

Price: $539.855 $349.95

Pay for 2 Get 1 Free

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Call Center Excellance Series

Call Center Excellence Series®

4 Complete Courseware
Packages in 1

Handling angry and difficult callers

Call control

Find a way to say YES!

Successful telephone debt collection

Price: $719.95 $449.95

Pay for 2 programs and Get 2 programs Free

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Communication Excellence Series

Communication Excellence Series®

4 Complete Courseware
Packages in 1

Communicating with clarity and impact

Negotiating for results

Conflict resolution

Presenting With Impact

Price: $719.95 $449.95

Pay for 2 programs and Get 2 programs Free

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Customer Service Excellence Series

Customer Service Excellence Series®

5 Complete Courseware
Packages in 1

Vision, Energy & Passion To Serve

Pathways to service excellence

Find a way to say YES!

Passionate Retail Experts

Setting others up for success

Price: $899.75 $599.95

Pay for 3 Get 2 Free

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Find Out
Your Leadership

Train The Trainer + Presenting With Impact

The Presenter-Trainer Package®

Train The Trainer

Presenting With Impact

Price: $359.95 $299.95

SAVE $59.95

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