Are you a people person?
Some people have a natural interest in all other people. They are, in effect, people persons, or people watchers. They take a keen interest in everyone about them, are curious to find out more about them and anxious to interact with them. Your score indicates that you are most certainly not one of those people.
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You are what is sometimes, perhaps unkindly, referred to as a loner, or someone who likes to keep themselves to themselves, or stands somewhat aloof from others.While you do enjoy the company of others, this is usually restricted to a very close and exclusively small circle of family and friends.
This is fine just as long as it is what makes you happy and provides what you like out of life and does not frustrate your ambitions.
It is, however, worth remembering that no one can be an island entirely.We all depend to a certain extent on other people to make both our personal and business lives happy and successful.The more we interact with people both on a one-to-one and group basis, the happier and more successful all aspects of our lives will be.This does not necessarily have to involve going to all kinds of social gatherings and being the life and soul of the party.What it does involve is having empathy with others, having regard for their feelings and making an effort to get to know all others, irrespective of their class or status, and gaining their respect.