Evaluate your coaching skills
Get a better insight into your coaching skills and specific coaching strengths and weaknesses, Take the coaching skills assessment by clicking the link below where you will be asaked to rate how frequently you make use of techniques described by ten statements about coaching accroding to the following values:
1 = Rarely, 2 = Sometimes, 3 = Frequently.
Try this Assessment test
You can take the “Evaluate Your Coaching Skills”
Getting ready to coach someone to help them improve their performance?
For better coaching results, consider answering the following questions first before attempting to coach:
- What opportunities does my role provide for me to coach my staff, peers or even my boss?
- How exactly can coaching help improve the current situation versus just telling them what to do or just ignoring the issue?
- Which of my staff really needs coaching to improve their performance?
- What is the person i’m about to coach doing specifically that needs to change? (Must be very specific and have evidence)
- What specific changes or improvements do I want to see and how after the changes are implemented do I know that the situation is good enough? (Must be very specific)
- What is the benchmark that needs to be achieved and are the people capable of achieving this or not?
- What are the most important questions do I need to ask the person I’m going to coach?
- When will I have to be more directive and less questioning and vice versa?
- What milestones to set and when should I check for progress?