Are you a Control Freak Questionnaire

Are you a Control Freak Questionnaire

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1. When shopping for yourself, do you prefer to shop alone or with your partner?
2. Have you ever owned or wanted to own a dog?
3. Do you believe the country would be a better place if you were in charge?
4. The thought of which of the following would horrify you the most?
5. Do you prefer to be in charge of the television remote control?
6. You have just met someone in your former place of work which you left 12 months ago. Which of the following responses would most please you when you asked them how things were at the old place?
7. Your usually submissive sex partner suddenly suggests that they take the lead in a bondage game. How would you react to this?
8. You find that people suddenly start referring to you by your initials, for example, P.J. instead of Philip. How do you feel about this?
9. Which of the following most closely resembles your own handwriting?
10. You and your partner, who are both able to drive, go out together in the same car.Who would you prefer to be driving?
11. Do you always let people finish what they are saying, or do you frequently find yourself interrupting them or finishing off their sentences for them?
12. Which of the following words best describes you?
13. Do you tend to sulk or play up if you don’t get your ownway?
14. If you miss a telephone call and call 1471 for the number, do you always phone that number back to see what the caller wanted?
15. Would you call yourself a faddish eater?
16. Are you interested in finding out as much as you can about all the people you know?
17. Do you spend a lot of time on your appearance?
18. Have you ever played matchmaker?
19. Do you prefer to hold a dinner party or to be invited to one?
20. You are carefree and single and see someone you are very attracted to at a party.Which of the following would you prefer to happen before the end of the evening?
21. Do you believe in the old adage if you want a job done, do it yourself?
22. Do you believe in pre-nuptial agreements?
23. Do you ever feel stressed because you are not in control?
24. Do you want your partner to get to the top in his=her chosen vocation?
25. Are you generally satisfied with your lot in life?

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