Are you a Control Freak Questionnaire
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You are most certainly not a control freak, in fact just the reverse.
This means that in the main you are likely to have a relaxed attitude towards life in general and are happy to go with the flow.
The only problem is that you could be susceptible to being controlled, or even dominated by others.You should ensure, therefore, that your behaviour is not manipulated by others and remember at all times that you are your own person, and that the way you live and plan your life is ultimately your own decision.
You are in the happy position of being neither a control freak, nor someone who is likely to be over-dominated by others.
It is likely that one of your chief priorities is to live in harmony with others and that you hold the belief that two heads are better than one, also that a problem shared is a problem halved, and that joint decisions are much more effective than those reached unilaterally.
Your score does suggest that you are to a certain degree a control freak.
While this may mean that you feel in control of your life and thus not so prone to stress as many others, it may be necessary to curb these tendencies somewhat before you become too obsessed with imposing your own desires, tastes and lifestyle on the world around you. In other words, before your desire to be in charge gets out of hand.
Although it is great to be in charge of our own lives, do remember that life is also a team game where we depend to a very great extent on the help, love, respect and friendship of others for our own happiness.We cannot expect the world to revolve around us.
Therefore, it is necessary often to just go with the flow.