Forward looking, or Stuck in a time warp Questionnaire
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Your score between 40–50 points
You would appear to be someone who is extremely forward looking and not in any way stuck in a time warp.
What this means is that you are likely to be continually looking forward to, and planning for, the future, whatever your age. Change for you is something that need not necessarily be a bad thing, in fact you are excited by the plans you are continually making and excited about some of the opportunities the future may bring.
You are also keenly interested in new technology and have a desire to be involved in any new developments that are taking place and not get left behind. Of course, technological change is now taking place at such a rapid rate that most of us are at least one step behind with the latest gadgets or innovations, so you should not feel frustrated if you suddenly discover that some latest development has escaped your attention, or that the computer you bought six months ago is suddenly no longer the most powerful model.
Your philosophy is that you should never go back, and that in life we should be continually moving forward irrespective of age.
Your score between 25–39 points
Our past memories and experiences make us what we are today. It is these experiences that enable us to live for today and give us a foundation onwhich to build for the future.
While your score does indicate that you are forward looking and like to make plans for the future, and keep abreast with the latest technology, you are also fond of your memories and of times past.
You are in the happy position of not being afraid of change and the new challenges and new technology that change inevitably brings.
You remain optimistic for the future but at the same time somewhat nostalgic for times past.
Your score Less than 25 points
OscarWilde once said that there were two things in life that were certain: death and taxes. Had he been alive today we suspect he would have added a third ^ change.
Change has always been inevitable, but today changes in lifestyle, attitudes and technology mean that this change is taking place at an even greater rate than ever before.
We can either resist this change, inwhich case we tend to get stuck in a time warp, or we embrace change and move forward with it.
It would appear that you are quite resistant to change and not particularly interested in moving forward at the rate this change is occurring.The indications are also that you are not particularly interested in new technology, but this may be because you find the prospect of getting to grips with it somewhat overwhelming.
Because you tend to look back at what you considered the better times you are probably something of a sentimentalist.The time in your life that you look back on the most is likely to be a particular era when a change in your life occurred for the better.
If, however, you change your philosophy just a little and consider the good things that are happening right now, then this will give you more encouragement to look forward to the future with a more optimistic outlook.You may then find that the pattern will repeat itself, and in years to come you will look back on the current era with the same degree of sentimentality that you have now for times past.
Also remember that we, all of us, are never too old to learn.While technological advances are taking place at a rapid rate, in the majority of cases these technological advances are made for the purpose of enriching our lives, and we can either be part of this life-enriching process, or we can ignore it and not reap the benefits it provides.