Forward looking, or Stuck in a time warp Questionnaire

Forward looking, or Stuck in a time warp Questionnaire

Please click the check box to start the activity

1. Do you like to keep abreast of the latest technology?
2. Do you constantly seek new hobbies and ventures?
3. Do you go to new holiday places each year?
4. Which of these is the most important to you?
5. Do you tend to hoard things?
6. Which of these most closely represents your thoughts on 1 January?
7. Do you believe there ever comes a time in life when you should just grow old gracefully?
8. Is there a particular era in the past where they played your kind of music?
9. Do you own a PC?
10. Would fond memories of living happily in the same home for many years prevent you from moving on to pastures new if you had the opportunity?
11. Which of the following is most important to you?
12. When you spend an evening with your nearest and dearest would you prefer to reminisce, or plan for the future?
13. If someone does you a particularly bad turn, do you ever forgive them entirely?
14. Do you have your own web page?
15. Have your idols=heroes remained the same through the years?
16. Does the thought of new and seemingly complicated technology frighten you?
17. Which of these most closely represents your attitude to change?
18. Do you prefer to watch repeats of vintage programmes on television rather than new programmes?
19. What do you think about new fashions in clothing?
20. How easily are you able to move on from personal tragedy?
21. Do you ever visit your old haunts to invoke happy memories and renew old acquaintances?
22. Which of the following do you consider to be your greatest strength?
23. How do you feel about the company you work for constantly introducing all the latest technology?
24. Do you think your schooldays were the happiest days of your life?
25. Have you ever mastered an item of new technology to the extent that you have shown someone else how to use it?

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