Activity: Assertive Communication for Expressing Anger


Introduction to Assertive Communication: Explain the concept of assertive communication and its significance in expressing anger constructively.

Assertive vs. Aggressive Discussion: Facilitate a discussion on the differences between assertive and aggressive communication styles.

Scenario Analysis: Provide scenarios where participants need to express their anger (see examples below). Ask them to analyze the scenarios and identify assertive ways to communicate their feelings.

Role-Playing Practice: Pair participants and have them role-play the scenarios, focusing on using assertive communication to express anger.

Discussion and Feedback: After each role-play, have participants provide feedback on their partner's use of assertive communication.

Key Learning:

Participants will learn how to express their anger assertively, taking into account their own needs and the needs of others. They will practice using communication techniques that avoid aggression while still conveying their feelings effectively.

Scenario Examples for Role-Playing:

Your colleague consistently takes credit for your ideas during team meetings.

Your roommate frequently borrows your belongings without asking.

Activity: Constructive Attitude Towards Anger and Handling Anger in Others


Attitude Shift Discussion:Discuss the concept of adopting a more constructive attitude towards anger and its benefits for personal growth and relationships.

Constructive vs. Destructive Anger Analysis: Provide examples of constructive and destructive anger expressions. Have participants identify the characteristics of each and discuss the outcomes they lead to.

Handling Others' Anger: Share practical techniques (e.g., active listening, empathy, de-escalation strategies) for effectively managing anger in others.

Role-Playing Scenarios: Assign participants roles in scenarios where they need to manage someone else's anger (see examples below). Encourage them to apply the techniques discussed.

Role-Play and Debrief: Participants engage in role-plays and afterward discuss the effectiveness of the techniques used.

Key Learning:

Participants will develop a more positive and constructive attitude towards anger and gain practical skills to handle anger in others. They will learn to distinguish between constructive and destructive expressions of anger and practice techniques for effective anger management in various situations.

Scenario Examples for Role-Playing:

A coworker is visibly upset about a recent decision made by the management.

A family member is angry due to a misunderstanding during a family gathering.

Activity: Understanding Anger and its Management


Introduction: Explain the purpose of the training and the importance of managing anger effectively. Anger Discussion: Facilitate a group discussion about participants' understanding of anger, its triggers, and its effects on themselves and others.

Skillset and Mindset Presentation: Present the key skills (e.g., self-awareness, empathy, emotional regulation) and mindset attributes (e.g., patience, perspective- taking, open-mindedness) needed for effective anger management.

Group Activity: Divide participants into groups and assign each group a specific skill or mindset attribute. Ask them to brainstorm practical ways to develop and practice that skill or attribute in their daily lives.

Group Presentation: Each group presents their ideas, allowing participants to learn from each other's insights.

Key Learning:

Participants will understand the essential skills and mindset attributes required for managing anger effectively. They will also learn how to apply these attributes in real-life situations to regulate their anger responses.