
Techniques for handling objections

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Techniques for handling objections

APAC Model for handling objections 

An objection is good news. When a customer raises an objection, it means the customer is identifying issues that have to be resolved before the sales can be closed. The customer is interested; the sales person’s task is to manage the objection. Once you get an objection you should work on:

Identifying ‘real’ and ‘false’ objections
Understanding different types of objection – Feasibility; Value; Price – recognising what the customer is really saying!

Managing objections using the powerful APAC model – four clear steps to successfully managing objections and closing the sale –

Acknowledge; Probe; Answer; Close

Pre-empting Objections – how to deal them into benefits – before the customer has raised them. A real business and rapport builder.

Before an objection can be answered it must be acknowledged. Jumping in, especially with a denial, gives quite the wrong impression and tends to lead to an adversarial situation and to argument.

An acknowledgement (which may only be a few words: ‘That’s certainly something we need to review… Yes, that’s a fair point, let me give you some more background’) will:

● Indicate to your customers that you believe they have a point
● Show that you are not going to argue
● Make it clear that you are likely to respond with something serious and considered (including ‘yes’ in the acknowledgement may help)
● Give you a moment to think (something you may welcome or even seek to extend:‘Let me think about that for a second’)
● Good acknowledgement makes subsequent handling of objections more straightforward.

More Techniques for handling objections

 – Acknowledge but do not agree with the objection before you answer it.
 – Clarify your understanding of the question the customer is raising before you answer it.
 – Listen and think momentarily before answering.
 – Aim your answer directly to what on the customer’s mind.
 – Handle objections as you handle any other ordinary question, without paying excessive attention to it.
 – Handle emotional situations by treating objections as if they resulted just from a lack of information.
 – When your client is objecting, hear him or her out. Don’t leap in too soon with your response. Make certain you are clear about what the objection truly is.
 – Feed the objection back to the buyer, to be sure you are both on the same page.
 – Respond to the objection.Think of this as another opportunity to sell your product or service and put it in a good light.
 – Ask for feedback. Have I been clear enough or are there still some questions you’d like to ask?


Be Curious
Last resort
Ask why you didn’t get it
Ex: “I really thought this product was a fit for your needs. Can you let me know why you decided not to buy?”


Use their objection to weaken their point and reinforce your point.
Ex: Customer: “This widget is way too light.” Salesperson: “It is remarkably light, isn’t it? We’ve started using a lighter, more durable metal. We’ve found that it’s much safer.”


Can You Clarify?
Ask the customer for more information before responding to the objection.
Ex: Customer: “I would never buy this product. It’s not built to last.” Salesperson: “I’m interested in why you think that. Would you mind explaining that further?”


Certain Closure
Offer to resolve their objection if they make the purchase.
Ex: “If I get the author to autograph this book, do we have a deal?”


Avoid the objection. Use this one sparingly, and make sure you’re  doing it politely.
Ex: “That’s an interesting point. Now, let me show you the colors this model comes in.”


Politely and assertively disagree with the customer, But make sure you have facts to back you up.
Ex: Customer: “Acme Widgets doesn’t require anything like this.” Salesperson: “In fact, Acme Widgets does also require a service plan, although their’s is quite a bit more expensive.”


FFF (Feel, Felt, Found)
Empathize with the customer, tell them how others have felt, and tell them what they have found.
Ex: “I understand that you feel that this plan is a big investment. Others (including myself) have felt the same way. However, they have found it really gives them peace of mind.”


Interpret their objection as something other than an objection.
Ex: “I can see that I’m not making sense. Sorry – let me put it another way.”


Show Your Hand
Ask the customer to list all their objections at once.
Ex: “It sounds like you have a lot of concerns. What else is on your mind?”


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