
Evaluate your current level of presentation skills

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Welcome to your Evaluate your current level of presentation skills

1. I identify some basic objectives before planning a presentation.

2. I analyse the values, needs and limitations of my audience.

3. I write down some main ideas first, in order to build a presentation around them.

4. I incorporate both a preview and review of the main ideas.

5. I develop an introduction that will catch the attention of my audience and still provide the necessary background information.

6. My conclusion refers back to the introduction and, if appropriate, contains a call-to-action statement.

7. The visual aids I use are carefully prepared simple, easy to read and make an impact.

8. The number of visual aids will enhance, not detract, from my presentation.

9. If my presentation is persuasive, I support it with logical arguments.

10. I use anxiety to fuel the enthusiasm of my presentation, not hold me back.

11. I ensure the benefits suggested to my audience are clear and compelling.

12. I communicate ideas enthusiastically.

13. I rehearse so there is a minimum use of notes and maximum attention paid to my audience.

14. My notes contain only ‘key words’ so I avoid reading from a manuscript.

15. My presentations are rehearsed standing up and using visual aids.

16. I prepare answers to anticipated questions and practise replying to them.

17. I arrange seating (if appropriate) and check audio-visual equipment in advance.

18. I maintain good eye contact with the audience at all times.

19. My gestures are natural and not restricted by anxiety.

20. My voice is strong and clear, and not monotonous.

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