An engaging virtual training session begins from the moment participants join in. Set the stage for interactivity right from the start. In typical face-to-face classes, trainers often spend the first minutes asking participants to share something about themselves. This practice is just as important as reviewing the course agenda and should be maintained in the online setting as well. Here are a few ideas to make an engaging introduction for your next virtual class as well as a few ideas for fun activities.
The activities listed here will require the use of standard tools found in any platform (poll, annotation, raise hand, screen sharing, test, documents sharing, use of audio) Creatively mixing how and when to use each of these tools and weaving it into the fabric of your training program is limitless. Come back and check again later, we keep adding new ones.
One-word reply pre-virtual training activity
This activity requires sending an email to participants befor the virtual training session begins, asking them to respond with one word only. (So, most will probably respond) For example if your upcoming class is about time management, in your email aske them to tell you just one word that comes to mind when you think of time management.
What’s nice about this activity is that it helps you start building rapport with your participants even before your virtual class starts and sends an inviting message of engagement and encourages them to be involved more in the topic.
Use the answers you collected before the virtual class starts and list them on a slide and use it at the right time. Participants will instantly identify their own input and it can be used to prompt participants to find other keywords that resonates or to initiate further discussion around the topic.
Sketchy intro
For those early joiners to your virtual class, you need to both welcome them no matter how early they join, engage them personally and keep them engaged until everybody else joins and you start the class. A great way to keep everybody engaged and also as a chance for everyone to introduce themselves you can share a whiteboard or a slide with everyone and invite them to use the annotation tools to both write their name and draw a sketch that represents the country/city they are calling from. This is a fun way to keep everyone engaged and will also take care of the introductions.
Speed virtual confessions
This is a fun virtual ice breaker where you ask participants a series of questions and give the guilty ones a chance to make a quick confession by giving you a green check/raise hand if they have ever done any of the following:
- Gone to the bathroom while on a virtual call?
- Faked a bad connection to get out of a virtual meeting or a conference call?
- Had no pants on?
- Forgotten all about a call until the other person called or emailed you
- Were not paying attention and got asked a question and had to wing it.
- Quickly piled things around to make your space seem organized
- Watched YouTube videos while on a call
- Cooked food or made tea or coffee while on a call
- Said you can’t use video because you were not were you supposed to be
Speed virtual confessions
This is a fun virtual ice breaker where you ask participants a series of questions and give the guilty ones a chance to make a quick confession by giving you a green check/raise hand if they have ever done any of the following:
- Gone to the bathroom while on a virtual call?
- Faked a bad connection to get out of a virtual meeting or a conference call?
- Had no pants on?
- Forgotten all about a call until the other person called or emailed you
- Were not paying attention and got asked a question and had to wing it.
- Quickly piled things around to make your space seem organized
- Watched YouTube videos while on a call
- Cooked food or made tea or coffee while on a call
- Said you can’t use video because you were not were you supposed to be
Share your world
This is a good activity for virtual teams to get to really know each other and create more team bonding and for team members to understand more about each other’s world. Send instructions to everyone in advance to create one slide with pictures from their everyday life by picking one of these ideas: Picture of your home, picture of your office, picture of traffic from home to office, where you usually go for lunch, picture of you as a baby or toddler, picture of your idol
Us the slide as an introduction or choose the right time to introduce the activity, share the slides and in turn ask each participants to introduce his/her slide and pictures.
Share your world on video
This is another good activity for virtual teams that gives team members a chance to share and give a video tour of their world, it can be a tour of their house, office or other local areas like favorite coffee shop or a walk around the block or the neighborhood or even the favorite restaurant. What’s great about this activity is that it gives team members an opportunity to get a real time window into each other’s worlds which helps with virtual team’s cohesiveness.
Power point karaoke
This is a fun improvisation activity that usually generates a lot of laughter, you can do it both virtually or face to face by simply preparing a deck of random unrelated slides and challenging teams to present the slide deck in less than 5 minutes. Teams/team members have to improvise and present a slide deck that they see for the first time. Each team can appoint one person to present or everyone in the team can join in the presentation. You can give points for credibility, flow and completion. The key point here is to add some fun to any training session and this activity may also be used to highlight working under pressure and utilizing whatever information is available to get the job done.
Online Jeopardy review game
A great way to end your class on a high note and also give participants a change to review the content is use a competitive game show format. This is always a winner and it can be a lot of fun too. You can easily run yours to wrap up your next virtual training class by using this tool.
One of the best ways to make training “stick” is to allow time for participants to review material that has been presented. In fact, material that has been reviewed by participants is five times as likely to be retained as material that has not. Reviewing allows participants to “save” the information in their brains. a great technique that promotes review is to always end your training program with a competitive review game, It’s fun great way to end your training on a high note and at the same time give a great wrap up and reminder of all the learning points and key concepts of the training and can help you gauge how effective the learning process was.
Easily Add Fun, Excitement & Competition To Your Class With this new, exciting and competitive Power Point Review Game you can easily review key questions from your training program by engaging your class participants in a fun, energetic competition and ensure your they stay engaged till the very end of your training. We believe so much in this review game technique that it became part of our training packages. Each of our Full training packages now ends with a similar Power Point Game show competitive review exercise.
Click the link below to download your FREE customizable Power Point Review Game To download the game to try it out. Just click here to download your Free Review game
The game is fully customizable so you can easily change/add questions, answers, images, backgrounds…etc. and simply save as a new file and create 100’s of different versions for any training program you teach.
Many times, if the connection is bad during a video call, we all experience the all dreaded frozen screen when suddenly someone’s screen freezes and usually in an awkward position because the connection is too slow. This is a quick, fun ice breaker to challenge the group to fake a frozen screen by stopping at mid-sentence in an awkward position. Take a screen shot and create a slide with the different screenshots with everyone’s picture as a giveaway after the virtual training or call.
Virtual Improv Story
This is a fun activity that involves everyone and only requires using the chat function. Start by choosing a starter sentence for a story relevant to the training topic, each person in turn will come up with an appropriate next sentence to keep the story going by typing it in their chat window. Determine the order of participants or once each person writes their sentence, they can randomly choose who goes next (by adding their name in the chat after they write their sentence.
Choose a relevant starter for example if it’s a customer service training program you can start off by something like “An angry customer walked into the store today”.
Once the story is complete, read the whole story and congratulate everyone for their creativity and creating this on-the-fly situation, debrief the story further and ask questions as needed.
Virtual Charades
Everybody knows how to play charades. Simply get the teams ready and use the chat to send the assigned word or phrase that will need to be silently acted out by each team in turn. No talking. Only using body language and facial expressions. That’s a fun virtual activity.
Your favorite dish on google
Ask everyone to go on google images and find the best image of their favorite dish. This can be a quick ice breaker and a set up for introductions as well. You can always have everyone introduce themselves and the picture of their favorite dish.
Virtual Name that Tune
Start your virtual class or meeting with a quick name that tune game by playing the first few seconds of all time famous songs and the first person who types the name of the song and or Band is the winner.
Virtually Awkward
Another quick fun virtual energizer is to invite everyone to share what they find awkward in a virtual meeting. Participants are welcome to share as well awkward virtual situations that may have happened to them. Once you and the group came up with a list, go over the list and brainstorm with the group ways or practices that can be employed to mitigate the awkwardness.
Make use of QR codes
With a little bit of creativity you can use something like QR codes .QR (Quick Response) codes are placed in various locations on products, signs, publications, and other sources. You can use a smartphone app to scan these and bring up a URL, text message, phone number, or an SMS (Short Message Service or a cell phone-based text message) ready to send, you can easily include that in a scavenger hunt by having teams do specific missions from trying to find the QR code itself to actions done after they found them.