
Anger Management & Positive thinking

Action Centered Leadership
Any group will expect its leader to have certain qualities and these will vary with the situation. There is not, however, a standard mix of qualities to make the perfect leader in all situations. It is therefore important to look at the actions a leader has to take to be effective.


The Skill Vs Will Matrix
The Skill vs. Will matrix is a tool to help you identify the best management approach to use with a certain team member. It can be a powerful tool and this power comes from its simplicity, it’s based on only two metrics: their “skill” and their “will” levels.


Manager Vs Leader
Management and Leadership are often interchanged within the business world; however, they are two very distinct skill sets.


Effective goal setting
Setting goals and objectives is the number one task you should do if you didn’t already to take charge of both your professional and personal life, take the wheel and get out of the backseat. Setting goals and objectives not just to enhances your career or quality of life cause lets face it you can’t get what you want if you don’t know what you’re going for.


SMART goals
Find out what SMART goals are and how to turn your goals to be more specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound.


Are you micromanaging?
People managers sometimes think they are indispensible, or feel that to get it done right i got to do it myself or its faster if i do it myself, the excuses are endless.


Managing Up
Many people do not take seriously the need to “manage up”;or at least they do not believe they can have any significant influence over their relationship with their boss which is tottally untrue.


Preparing a business plan
A business plan sets out what a business or an individual intends to achieve and how it will be achieved, in order to attract any investment required.


Steps to Evaluate your staff
One of your most important tasks as a manager is to create a process for properly evaluating your staff members. It may not instantly come to mind when talking about appraisals but one of the most important goals of appraisals is to motivate employees. It just gives you an idea how far off course most appraisals are run and thought of nowadays.


Steps to discipline employees
This article outlines discipline steps that are listed in order of least to most severe. use the least severe step that results in the behavior you want. If that step doesn’t do the trick, move down the list to the next step:


Make your meetings work
Are you attending too many meeting? are they a waste of time with no real purpose and a few decisions actually come out of them? that is actually the case in many organizations.


Managing teams performance
There is no question about the importance of teams in organizations today that’s why as a manager to be aware of managing their performance has never been as important as it is now.


What to watch out for when evaluating employees
If you are a people manager then the largest chunk of your responsibility is both to enhance and evaluate the performance of your people, but evaluating people can be tricky, managers need to be aware of the following common mistakes and traps when evaluating employees performance. Read this article to find out more.


Situational Leadership
The Situational Leadership method from Kenneth Blanchard & Paul Hersey holds that managers must use different leadership styles depending on the situation.


Leaders and Corporate culture
The concept of organizational culture is a relatively new one. Organizational cultures, like other human cultures, include particular types of artifacts, special values, and common beliefs and assumptions.

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