It happens to all of us, sometimes you meet a co-worker throughout your day who chats with you for 5 minutes and instantly you feel you need to lie down for 30 minutes to recover. Some people can just suck away your energy. Just like a cell phone we each have a charger and a drainer. Your charger is something that gives you energy, something that energizes you. A drainer is something that takes away your energy. Ask the group to come up with a list of chargers and drainers that they face in their everyday life, once a list is compiled, challenge the group to find creative ways to have more chargers and less drainers.
Assessing Your Organisation’s Culture Questionnaire
Please indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. First, decide upon your unit of analysis – the entire corporation, a division, a function, or even a small team. To identify the many cultures in which you operate, you may need to take this test more than once.