
Conflict Resolution, Influencing and Negotiation activities

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Conflict Resolution, Influencing and Negotiation activities

If you only depend on lecturing, theories and dry training models while running a conflict resolution or negotiation skills training,  your participants may end up not getting too much value out of it and there’s a good chance of them getting disengaged and lose interest. A big word of advice when delivering these two topics is to try to use as many engaging activities as you can where you can get your class participants involved into role plays or activities as a skill practice.

Below are some activities that you can use right away that will help you make some key learning points related to professional negotiations and resolving conflict. 

Debt collection role-play scenario of how to deal with a delinquent customer A training role-play scenario for debt collectors training of how to deal with a delinquent customer. Read more about this training activity
Three Activities for your next Anger Management Training Program Introduction to Assertive Communication: Explain the concept of assertive communication and its significance in expressing anger constructively. Read more about this training activity
Negotiation Skills Role Playing Scenarios
Scenario: You are the owner of a small software development company, and you are in negotiations with a potential client who wants you to build a custom software solution for their business. … Read more about this training activity

Team Election Campaign

Tell everybody that it is election time and you are all running for office. Give the team 15 minutes, each person is tasked to write a speech about why they should be voted as the team leader. Read more about this training activity

This activity can be particularly useful to use in a conflict resolution training to allow participants to more clearly understand how people can have very different perspectives… Read more about this training activity

What do you see?

Highlighting the fact that we all see things differently depending on our own specific perspectives, a good activity that will help you make the point is to write a large number “6” on a letter size paper and put it on the floor. Read more about this training activity

Watch what you say
Split the group into teams of two. Ask teams to take 5 minutes to brainstorm words that if used during a conflict situation, they tend to escalate the conflict and complicates the situation further. Read more about this training activity

Crossover Negotiation

Split the group into two equal teams standing in two rows facing each other. Split the group further into pairs so that each pair are standing and facing each other, use a masking tape and make a line on the floor between the two groups so that each team is standing on one side of the line and the paired members are facing each other. Read more about this training activity

Win as much as you can
Throughout this competitive activity , participants will go through a series of rounds and situations where  they will need to make group decisions  and reach consensus on actions that will impact their final result  and in other instances they will have to negotiate the strategy with other groups as well collaboratively  while still ensuring their group wins , which will some time force them to make some tough decisions  whether to  fulfill the agreements made with other groups or decide to put the interest of their team first which  can also cause some conflict situations between the different teams that needs to be resolved as well throughout the activity. Read more about this training activity

Push / Pull

A quick simple but powerful activity that shows there are two ways to get others to do what we want them to do, we can either push them and in that case we will definitely get resistance or we can pull them or in other words convince them with our point of view , explain the reasons and tell them why we want them to  take this action and consequently expect lower or no resistance. Read more about this training activity

3 Conflict Resolution Activities with readymade role play scenarios
Three activities that you can use in your next conflict resolution training program with readymade role playing scenarios. Read more about this training activity

Chief Negotiator

This is a competitive negotiation skill practice activity that has several other learning outcomes like how teams in an organization are responsible for creating the climate and culture and how the actions of one team can affect other teams. Read more about this training activity

Did you know that we just added a FREE review game to each of our full course training packages?

It adds loads of fun and ends your training class on a high note!

The game is all done in Power Point and comes packed with questions and answers around your training package so you can easily review the content of the training, enhance retention and ensure your training participants are engaged till the very end. Just split your class into teams that compete to win a final competition by answering questions and getting points in a series of fun rounds.

That’s not all! 

Just like our training material packages, the game is completely customizable so you can easily use it with other training topics you teach. Just change the questions/answers, images…etc, Save as a new file & create any number of other review games and always end each class you teach on a high note. Watch this short video:

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Price: $359.95 $299.95

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Retail Excellence Series

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Sales excellence series

Sales excellence series®

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Sales Management

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Sales Territory Planning & Routing

Price: $539.855 $349.95

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Call Center Excellance Series

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Find a way to say YES!

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Communication Excellence Series

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Negotiating for results

Conflict resolution

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Customer Service Excellence Series

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Find a way to say YES!

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Setting others up for success

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Pay for 3 Get 2 Free

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Find Out
Your Leadership

Train The Trainer + Presenting With Impact

The Presenter-Trainer Package®

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SAVE $59.95

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Training packages

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All you need
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High Impact
Power Point Slide Deck

To support immersive learning, a high impact professionally designed power point slide deck to engage trainees at all levels.



A comprehensive reference workbook you can give out to your class participants as a quick future reference.



With step-by-step clear directions with tips and suggestions on what to say and how to present each slide.


/Exercise Sheets

Various training material and support documents to help you both explain and debrief the different exercises, activities and games Plus a fun final Jeopardy style review game as a fun ending for your training program.


Support Documents

To ensure you have all you need to deliver a complete and professional training program, additional supporting documents are included with each full course material package. From training evaluation forms to 5 different certificate templates that you can edit and hand out to your participants at the end of your training.


Job Aids
& Forms

Specific forms designed to extend and reinforce the training that participants can utilize back on the job to help them apply the new learned concepts (Select training material packages)

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